Erosta Elossa
Erosta Elossa helps men process and survive the effects of divorce. The service is available for men whose relationship is facing challenges, who are in the middle of a divorce process or who are experiencing the aftermath of their divorce. Help is available in the form of individual counseling and peer support.

Lyömätön Linja
Lyömätön Linja helps men who need help with violent behavior in their intimate relationships.

Väkivaltaa Kokeneet Miehet
Väkivaltaa Kokeneet Miehet is a service for men who have suffered from physical or psychological violence at home or in public. The service is available remotely by phone or email or via video, and in the form of individual counseling or guided peer group meetings.

Vieraasta Veljeksi
Vieraasta Veljeksi helps immigrant men in finding employment and integrating into Finnish society. Mentoring and discussion groups are the main forms of activity.

MASI supports the functional ability and wellbeing of fathers whose family is affected by depression. Fathers can contact MASI if they or their spouse is exhibiting symptoms of depression or similar mental health problems. The MASI helpline and email support for men is available nationwide and individual counseling is available in person in Tampere, Lahti and Helsinki.

Isyyden Tueksi
Isyyden Tueksi offers support for fathers. The aim of the service is to promote the visibility and participation of modern fathers, help fathers take care of themselves, and facilitate peer activities between them. Isyyden Tueksi also provides information on fatherhood, offers continuing vocational training for professionals who encounter fathers in their work, and creates and maintains professional and social networks in support of fathers.

Konkkaronkka offers peer and personal support for male entrepreneurs facing financial difficulties. Peer support groups allow men whose business is under threat of bankruptcy or who are overindebted to process their experiences with other men who are facing similar problems. Peer support helps men to accept and gain a deeper understanding of their difficulties and move forward. Group work and individual support promotes the participants’ wellbeing and enables them to find the tools to process their situation.

Toiminnan Miehet
Wellbeing and participation for men. Toiminnan Miehet offers peer group activities and peer support for men. Peer groups are organized around various kinds of activities that support the overall wellbeing of men.

Miestyön Osaamiskeskus
Miestyön Osaamiskeskus is a competence center that conducts research, carries out development projects and offers training programs related to men’s issues, reinforcing the competence of professionals working with men. Research on men and male specificity is at the heart of its operation, and the center aims to communicate the knowledge gained from this research by organizing training, seminars, and lectures.