Helsinki Metropolitan Area
Open University
At the Open University, you can study Beginner and Intermediate Level Courses (A1.1 – B2.1). Courses are taught in Finnish.
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
Metropolia offers Finnish courses for foreigners (A1–B2).
You can study Finnish in a variety of ways at Omnia.
Kalliola | Finnish courses
Finnish courses available for Beginner and Basic Level students (A1–B1).
City of Helsinki
Finnish language courses range from illiterate level up to upper intermediate B2.2 level. Application period is open twice a year in August and in November.
Linnasmäen Opisto
Finnish courses for foreigners, Beginner Level.
Paasikivi-opisto (in Finnish)
Finnish courses for foreigners on the A2 Level. Besides learning the language, students will learn more about Finnish culture and gain skills that help them navigate working life as well.
International House Turku
Finnish language education in the Turku region.
The Adult Education Centre of the Tampere Region
Tampereen seudun työväenopisto provides integration training and Finnish as a second language teaching for immigrants (S2). The training is intended to promote Finnish language skills and other skills required in society and everyday life in Finland. The training is also aimed at supporting and advancing employment and further education possibilities for the students.
Tampere Adult Education Centre
Offers trainings for immigrants e.g. integration training and preparatory education for vocational training (TUVA). They also offer Finnish language tuition for workplaces.
Finnish Red Cross Tampere Branch
Organizes Finnish courses for beginners at meeting place Tampuri and in Hervanta and Lielahti.
The site allows you to search for Finnish courses held in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and online.